I think it's important for high school students to explore the vast world. Doing so, you can find so many valuable things for life: unforgettable experiences, people who want to be with you, etc.; these are things you mostly wouldn't get through studying and going through the school system. You can explore other cities, countries, even your own surroundings, you might find something new every time.
However, I am not only talking in a local manner; whether it is hobbies, food, jobs, clubs. It would be scary to approach new, different things, but if you fight off the fright, you acquire irreplaceable experience, a life lesson.
These are things I want to tell all high school students here: Be humble, be courageous. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, you can learn a lot from them; don't be depressed when you make mistakes, you are still young. Talk to strangers, ask a girl/boy out, try a new hobby, join a different club, and so many things you can challenge to do, you might've done the stated ones already, but there's no end to challenges. Try bungee jumping, try crazy hot sauces, visit a Mongolian tribe and live with them for a while---or go outside of Japan in general, maybe as an exchange student, and rediscover the world.
There might be people who stop you on your unsafe journey, maybe your important people, but in the end, it is your decision to go forward to the undiscovered place or to stay in the mildly comfortable place, a place only comfortable because you know everything about it.
Don't underestimate yourself, don't limit yourself, break some bones, and gain some lessons. You will never be hurt without learning anything from it. Again: Stay humble.